Wie Dirk in seinem Blogartikel schon beschrieben hat erfolgt die Anmeldung via Online Formular unter www.pinot-world.com.
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Infos und Reifemessungen aus Neuseeland
2010 wird ein spannendes und nervenaufreibendes Jahr werden. Die Saison ist spät gestartet und die Blütezeit war ca. 2 Wochen später als der durchschnittliche Zeitpunkt. Zum Blütezeitpunkt selbst war es kühl und regnerisch mit dem Resultat einer starken Verrieselung. Der Sommer war moderat durchwachsen mit perfekten Niederschlägen zum richtigen Zeitpunkt. Die Beregnungsanlage konnte größtenteils stillstehen.
Letzte Woche gab es noch einen Hagelschlag, der aber Dank der Netze keine Schäden hervorbrachte.
Die aktuellen Mostgewichte der einzelnen Rebsorten liegen zwischen 66 und 73 ° Oechsle. Die von uns angepeilten 93-105° Oechsle liegen also noch in sehr weiter Ferne.
Die Ernte wird wohl frühestens in 30 Tagen beginnen und gibt uns die Chance, dass Karlheinz nach langer Zeit wieder einmal Ostern bei uns in Bischoffingen feiern kann.
Zur Erntezeit möchten wir dann ab und zu einen Livebericht per Webvideo-Übertragung senden, gerne können wir dieses zusammen mit einer Online-Wein-Verkostung verknüpfen.
Sobald es einen genaueren Termin gibt, werden wir Sie rechtzeitig Informieren und dazu auch ein passendes Probepaket anbieten.
Während dieser Liveübertragung können dann Fragen via Twitter oder per Chatbox gestellt werden, die wir dann gerne mit etwas Zeitversatz (leider bis zu 5 Minuten) beantworten.
Harvest at Johner Estate in New Zealand 2009
We had a great summer season with very warm temperatures and beautiful dry weather. But then in March, shortly before our estimated vintage would start, we did get the odd patch of rain and in some spots, we did find some Botrytis. But all in all nothing to worry about. So we finally started with vintage on Wednesday 25th March 2009 with our Pinot Noir. Brix levels didn’t look that bad. Testing the odd berry in the vineyard mesuring between 18 and 22 Brix… and then after picking, destemming and filling the grapes into the fermentation tanks.. we had 22 Brix. So for the last two weeks they have been picking Pinot Noir and in the end had to rush through, because the weather turned so fine… Sugar levels increased to 25 Brix.
Today they also started picking out some ripe golden yellow Sauvignon Blanc with beautiful tropical flavours and sugar levels of 23,5 Brix.
Harvest Festival held on 21st March 2009
The Harvest Festival was held on March 21 2009 and it was a beautiful late summer day.
HD-Film Johner Estate – New Zealand – Harvest 2008
The Harvest 2008 at Johner Estate New Zealand from Patrick Johner on Vimeo.
If you would like to see some Information of the 2009 Harvest please click here…
In the beautiful Wairarapa Valley in New Zealand near Masterton, at the end of East Taratahi Road continuing into Dakins Road, pass the cliffs and the harvest festival showgrounds and finally end up at Johner Estate.
Welcome to Johner Estate.
Continue reading “HD-Film Johner Estate – New Zealand – Harvest 2008”
Best of the Best Wine Guide 2009 from Peter Saunders
Johner Gladstone Pinot Noir 2007
to be featured in
Best of the Best
Wine Guide 2009
Distributed back to back with the December issue of F&B Behind Bars.
Johner Gladstone Pinot Noir 2007
für sein
Best of the Best
Wine Guide 2009
nominiert hat.
Budburst in New Zealand – Austrieb in Neuseeland 2008
Johner Estate wins the Buyer’s Choice Winery Award !
Zur Deutschen Übersetzung einfach hier klicken hier auf Gewinner des Buyer’s Choice Winery Award Trophy klicken.

At the Wine New Zealand show in Auckland, our stand was well visited. Visitors were surprised about our wines. Often, you can’t find a 2008 NZ Sauvignon Blanc with great minerality and a long finish. The 2008 Riesling is too cheap and the 2007 Red Wines were showing great intense aromatics, depth and length.
At the end of the last day we even won the Buyer’s Choice Winery Award Trophy for our Estate… “Visitors to the event have the opportunity to nominate a Winery and a Winemaker, they acknowledge as having had an impact on their overall experience at the show.” 120 Estates were showing their wines at the show.
Click here to see the article from Wairarapa Times Age
Here is an online Version of the article.
Die Abfüllsaison 2008 in Neuseeland
Pünktlich zum Deutschen Hochsommer durfte mein Vater wieder nach Neuseeland reisen um die 2008er Weissweine zu füllen.
Dank der guten Vorarbeit der Mitarbeiter konnten die Weissweine nun zugüg assembliert und filtriert werden. Continue reading “Die Abfüllsaison 2008 in Neuseeland”
Almost finished our Pinot Noir
Harvest in the Wairarapa is speeding up. There are some vineyards with huge crops and Botrytis infections. But those who properly take care of their vines and do some green harvest, just have perfect grapes.
We have almost finished our Pinot Noir and the pressure of fresh botrytis will increase every day, especially if we have warm damp weather.
Morning fog followed by sunny weather is a beautiful sight, but the grapes mature rapidly and the skins start to get thin and crack open. A good entrance for Botrytis.
This year, looking at the vines, we thought, we would have a larger crop than normal, but the berry sizes were between 6mm and 12mm, resulting in low weights once again.
The crop levels from Pinot Noir range from 2 to 3 tons per hectare. Brix levels were between 22,5 Brix (96°Oe) and 24,2 (104°Oe) and the fruit was very ripe with wonderful intense flavours.
We hardly had any shrivelled dry raisins giving grapes the taste you would normally get in Pinot Noir from Central Otago.
Just intense blackberry and blueberry flavours deriving from the alluvial free draining gravels.
As we don’t like too many stalks/stems/striggs, unripe berries, well green components, we also sort out these after the destrigging machine…
At the same time we have also been assembling our 2007 Pinot Noirs, deciding what will go into the reserve Pint Noir and what will go into the normal Gladtsone Pinot Noir .
Can you imagine the chaos of barrel sorting in the middle of harvest?